

신자유주의와 대학 구조조정 *


  • 출처: Alex Callinicos with a preface by Paul Mackney, Universities in a Neoliberal World(Bookmarks), 2006.

  1. www.hesa.ac.kr/holidocs/pubinfo/student/institution0405.html
  2. HEFCE, Young Participation in Higher Education, January 2005, www.gefce.ac.uk
  3. P Hitchens, “Why Does Everyone Find it So Hard to Understand the Tories?”, 17 May 2006, www.hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk
  4. Department for Education and Skills, The Future of Higher Education, Cm 5735, January 2003, www.dfes.gov.uk, para 6.1, p68.
  5. D Harvey, A Short History of Neoliberalism(Oxford, 2005), p15.[국역: 《신자유주의》, 한울, 2009]
  6. G Duménil and D Lévy, “Neoliberal Income Trends”, New Left Review, II/30(2004), pp111, 119.
  7. M Brewer et al, Poverty and Inequality in Britain: 2006, Institute of Fiscal Studies, March 2006, www.ifs.org.uk, p24.
  8. 이 글에서는 교수와 강사 등 대학에서 학생들을 가르치는 사람들을 통틀어 교원이라고 칭했다 - M21
  9. C Leadbeater, Living on Thin Air(Lodon, 2000), p8.
  10. T L Friedman, The World is Flat(London, 2005), p10.[국역: 《세계는 평평하다》, 창해, 2006]
  11. 특히 A Callinicos, Against the Third Way(Cambridge, 2001), ch1과 An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto(Cambridge, 2003)을 보시오.
  12. B Benoit and R Milne, “Germany’s Exporters are Beating the World”, Financial Times, 27 April 2006.
  13. J Johnson, “Asia Faces Jobs Crisis that Could Hit Growth”, Financial Times, 27 April 2006.
  14. R Brenner, “Towards the Precipice”, London Review of Books, 6 February 2003. Brenner의 The Boom and the Bubble(London, 2002)도 보시오.
  15. 영국에서는 부총장이 실질적으로 대학 행정을 책임지고 총장은 대학 운영에 참여하지 않는 명예직일 뿐이다 — 옮긴이
  16. 고든 브라운은 1997년부터 2007년까지 영국 재무부 장관을 지냈고, 그 뒤 2007년 6월부터 3년간 총리를 지낸 영국 노동당 정치인이다 ─ M21
  17. H M Treasury, Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014, July 2004, www.hm-treasury.gov.uk, para 1.1, p5.
  18. 같은 책, para1.19, pp10-11.
  19. The Future of Higher Education, p2.
  20. Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration: Final Report, December 2003, www.lambertreview.org.uk, para2.4, p15, para 2.6, p17.
  21. 같은 책, para 2.10, p18.
  22. 같은 책, para 1.17, p11.
  23. 같은 책, para 1.19, p11.
  24. 같은 책, para 1.3, p9.
  25. Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014, Appendix B, “Setting Targets and Measuring Progress”.
  26. Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014, paras 1.4, 1.6, p7.
  27. 지표에서 바로 광물을 캐내는 광산 ─ M21
  28. C Leadbeater, Living in Thin Air, p114.
  29. 예컨대, A Cockburn and R Blackburn (eds), Student Power(Harmondswoth, 1969).
  30. AUT, “The Pay Campaign in Brief”, www.aut.org.uk/paybacktime
  31. 폴리테크닉은 과학·기술 전문학교이고, 칼리지는 16세까지 의무교육을 마친 후 대학 입시 준비나 전문적 훈련을 받기 위해 진학하는 2년제 교육기관이다 — M21
  32. AUT, “The Academic Pay Shortfall 1981-2003”, www.aut.org.uk
  33. H M Treasury, Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014: Next Steps, March 2006, www.hm-treasuty.gov.uk, ch4.
  34. HEFCE, RAE 2008: Guidance on Submissions, June 2005, www.rae,ac.uk, Appendix A, p31.
  35. Lambert Review, Table 6.1, p82.
  36. 한국에서 서울대학교, 고려대학교, 연세대학교의 영문 머리 글자를 따 SKY라고 부르듯이 옥스퍼드와 케임브리지를 합쳐 부르는 말 — 옮긴이
  37. House of Commons Education and Skills Committee, The Future of Higher Education: Fifth Report of Session 2002-3, 1, HC 425-1, 10 July 2003, www.dfes.gov.uk, paras 8 and 9, p8.
  38. The Future of Higher Education, para 1.14, pp13-14.
  39. 모듈은 영국 대학에서 교육 과정의 일부가 되는 단위이다. 모듈화는 모든 학습 내용을 단위화하여, 학생들이 필요에 따라 단위모듈을 조합해 학습 과정을 짜도록 하는 것이다. 단위모듈을 구성하는 요소는 강의, 세미나 등 매우 다양하다 ─ M21
  40. 1년을 3분기로 나눠 중간 분기는 방학이고 나머지 두 분기는 수강 학기인 학제 — M21
  41. D McLoed, “Overseas Student Numbers Rise”, Guardian, 13 March 2006.
  42. D MacLoed, “International Rescue”, Guardian, 18 April 2006.
  43. Lambert Review, para 7.10, p95, para 7.23, p99.
  44. M Taylor, “AUT Calls for Inquiry into Vice-Chancellors’ Pay”, Guardian, 9 March 2006.
  45. G Duménil and D Lévy, “Neoliberal Trends”, pp116-118.
  46. “Third Stream as Second Mission”, 18 May 2006, www.hefce.ac.uk
  47. J Boone, “Academics Learn to License Inventions”, Financial Times, 26 July 2006.
  48. J Boone, “University Company Sells Stake for ₤25 Million”, Financial Times, 21 July 2006.
  49. J Boone, “Most Colleges ‘Set to Sign Technology Transfer Deals’”, Financial Times, 1 August 2006.
  50. A H Halsey, Decline of Donnish Domination(Oxford, 1992), pp6, 176.
  51. 같은 책, p129.
  52. 같은 책, p131.
  53. 같은 책, p136.
  54. C Bryson, “What about the Workers? The Expansion of Higher Education and the Transformation of Academic Work”, Industrial Relations Journal, 35(2004)를 보시오.
  55. C Bryson, Hiring Lectures by the Hour, Natfhe, April 2005, ww.natfhe.org.uk
  56. C Bryson, “The Consequences for Women in the Academic Profession of the Widespread Use of Fixed Term Contracts”, Gender, Work and Organisation, 11(2004).
  57. C Johnston, “Figures Show Rise in Part-Time Academic Staff”, Guardian, 20 February 2006.
  58. A H Halsey, Decline of Donnish Domination, p95.
  59. A H Halsey et al, Origins and Destinations(Oxford, 1980), pp205-206.
  60. A Callinicos and C Harman, The Changing Working Class(London, 1987)[국역: 《노동자 계급에게 안녕을 말할 때인가》, 책갈피, 2001]를 보시오.
  61. Young Participation in Higher Education, pp9, 10-11, 41.
  62. 중등 교육 자격 검정 시험. 의무교육인 11학년까지의 학업 성취도를 평가하는 시험으로 5과목에서 C학점 이상을 취득해야 통과한다 — 옮긴이
  63. 같은 책, pp137-138.
  64. D MacLeod, “Equality ‘Would Double University Admissions’”, Guardian, 19 January 2005.
  65. B Barry, Why Social Justice Matters(Cambridge, 2005).
  66. H M Treasury, Tackling Poverty and Extending Opportunity, March 1999, www.hm-treasury.gov.uk, para 3.15, p32.
  67. Higher Education Policy Institute, “Demand for Higher Education till 2020”, 21 March 2006, www.hepi.ac.uk
  68. C Giles and J Wilson, “State Largesse Brings Hope but Little Change”, Financial Times, 19 September 2006.
  69. 추가등록금top-up fees은 2006년 가을 학기부터 대학생들에게 적용된 등록금제로, 대학 당국이 최고 1천2백50파운드였던 기존 등록금에 더해 수강료를 1년에 최고 3천2백25파운드까지 추가로 걷을 수 있는 제도다 — M21
  70. A Smith, “Government Failing to Widen University Access, Figures Show”, Guardian, 20 July 2006.
  71. D MacLeod, “Fees Concern over Fall in University Applications”, Guardian, 15 December 2005.
  72. 대학에 진학하려면 쳐야 하는 일종의 대학 입학 자격 시험이다. 한 과목당 A학점은 10점, B학점은 8점, C학점은 6점 식으로 점수를 얻으며, 보통은 세 과목 18점 이상 취득을 기본 요건으로 한다 — 옮긴이
  73. M Taylor, “Fees Deter State School Pupils from University”, Guardian, 22 June 2006.
  74. R Garner and B Russell, “Private School Stranglehold on Top Jobs”, Independent, 15 June 2006.
  75. M Green, “Universities and Local Power Vital to Recovery of Leading Cities, Says Study”, Financial Times, 8 March 2006.
  76. L Ward, “Poor Students Shoulder Debt for Learning”, Guardian, 19 November 2003.
  77. “Fees to Triple Student Debt, Says Report”, Guardian, 28 January 2005.
  78. TUC/NUS, All Work and No Pay, 2006, www.tuc.org.uk, pp6, 4.
  79. C Harman et al, Education, Capitalism, and the Student Revolt(London, 1969), G Stedman Jones, “The Meaning of the Student Revolt”, in A Cockburn and T Blackburn (eds), Student Power, and A Callinicos and S Turner, “The Student Movement Today”, International Socialism, I.75(1975).
  80. The Future of Higher Education, para 5.5, p59.
  81. S Kouvelakis, “France: From Revolt to Alternative”, International Socialist Tendency Discussion Bulletin, no 8, July 2006, www.istendency.net, p5.
  82. 같은 글, p6.
  83. “Trend to Drop Philosophy No Bad Things, Says Rammell”, Guardian, 15 February 2006.
  84. 이런 변화에 관한 분석은 R Jacoby, The Last Intellectuals(New York, 1987)을 보시오.
  85. A Callinocos, “Alternatives to Neoliberalism”, Socialist Review, July 2006을 보시오.